But worry not, I'm sure a soldier of your caliber can find a solution.
Star wars the old republic emperor code#
Player confronts a pirate over a stolen piece of an Imperial code machine*."You're easily distracted by shiny things, aren't you?" "How come we never visit any NICE planets?".Is guilt a Force Power? Why does talking to a Jedi always remind me of talking to my mother?"
Star wars the old republic emperor cracker#
*she waves her hands looking up as if saying something magificent* cracker jack. Here comrade, if you see any republic lackeys use this on them," *hands you his spare gun* "Lets go 4-SEN, there's no time to waste." We need to put the base on alert and rally the men. Separatist: "Not recently enough to take any chances. Player: "When was the last time you calibrated that droids sensors?"

Separatist: "But that doesn't make sense." 4-SEN, activate combat protocols, we gotta warn the others."Ĥ-SEN: "Master, my sensors detect no evidence of hostile forces." Player: "By the stars! Republic troops have invaded our base!" Separatist (to the player): Hey there, we had some problems with relay converters, I need to check on the power core, you mind?"Ĥ-SEN: "Master I detect the presence of several non-functioning humans. Death to all who oppose the peoples will, master." Separatist: "Come on 4-SEN say it just like I taught you."Ĥ-SEN: "The Republic lackeys will drown in lakes of fire and blood, master. (while downloading data inside a separatist base) Player: Did someone say something about credits?īounty Hunter: You two make me sick. Mother: He has to be alive, he has to! I must know.

"Looks like I'm gonna break your record boss."."Someday, let's retire from this Jedi business."Have you seen what those Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy joined the dark side."."If they were to mash Hoth and Tatooine into one planet.would it be a decent planet with nice weather?"."You know what I learned during my first council meeting? I can sleep standing up."."Jedi = Good to go/T7 = All terrain vehicle.".Player: "I don't need to see you when I can smell you." Lord Nefarid: "You cannot fight what you cannot see."